Hiring an independent educational consultant can give families objective advice, access to reliable information, and the kind of individual attention necessary to make an informed decision. Let's face it. Most public school counselors are overworked and simply cannot give your student a lot of time. My job is to help you navigate this very opaque admission process and help your student find schools where they will thrive.


    • All meetings are virtual

      All meetings will be scheduled through Zoom, an online virtual meeting software service. We ask all students to log in via laptop or desktop as we use screen share and have working sessions that need keyboard control. 

    • Class enrollment/workshop

      Window for enrollment starts in January of your student's sophomore year. My workshop starts for students in August of their junior year of high school. 

    • Individual enrollment

      I accept students as early as the beginning of sophomore year in order to help them with high school course selection and to fully discuss college goals and fit.

    What all is involved?

    Got questions? We’ve got answers.

    My commitment to you

    • Support for your family

      • understanding what colleges look for in a student 
      • information on testing and test prep 
      • suggesting several schools where your student can be successful  
      • resources that allow students to discover possible majors and future careers 
      • information on building a resume for college 
      • college applications, essays, and short answers
      • honors programs, scholarships, financial aid 

    • I cannot ....

      • guarantee admission to any school or program.
      • contact universities on behalf of a specific student.
      • write essays or fill out applications on behalf of a student. All essays uploaded will be the student's work.
      • search for outside scholarship opportunities. 

    Your commitment to the program

    • I ask families to...

      • share all relevant educational records including transcripts, test scores and behavioral information
      • support their student by utilizing the tools and resources in the program
      • Secure and send all necessary application components 
    • I ask students to...

      • be engaged in the process by attending workshops or individual meetings and completing assignments
      • be excited to discover where their future will go
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